Senior Living Communities


Census for Care Services - Updating Incomplete Census

When a resident moves in, moves out, or changes rooms within your community and Quick ADT is performed, this creates an incomplete census entry. It is important that these census entries be updated and completed so that the system accurately reflects which residents are and are not in the community and where they live within the community.

Incomplete census entries are listed on the Incomplete Census dashboard view of the Billing Dashboard and can be completed by selecting update.

  1. From the Incomplete Census pane of the Billing Dashboard, click update to the left of the census entry to complete.

  2. Review all information entered in by clinical staff previously is correct and change as needed. The Effective Date changes to the date of the action. You cannot change this. To correct, the census line must be deleted and re-entered.

  3. Complete the Effective Time to reflect the time of the census change.

  4. The Action should reflect the census change that is occurring.

  5. Ensure the Payer type is accurate and for Payer.

  6. Agreement Type - if desired, enter the agreement type. For more information, see Lease/Rental Agreement.

  7. Payer Options - select Use Last Known Payer Setup file.

  8. The Room Rate list is autopopulated when you select the room. You can change this field by selecting an option in the list.

  9. If the census records the transfer of a resident to or from a different community, select the name of the community in the To/From Location list. This is a required field though not used anywhere in a care services only setting.

  • After the census entry is saved, this completes the entry and the resident no longer appears on the Billing Dashboard under Incomplete Census.

  • If a census entry was made in error, it requires the appropriate Security to delete from the Census module.