Senior Living Communities

Ingredient Usage Report

The Ingredient Usage report provides a list of ingredients used in a single week or all weeks for a menu set. You can include all ingredients, an ingredient category, or a specific ingredient. You can also select to detail ingredients by menu day. This is helpful to ensure you have the correct ingredients in stock to prepare meals for the week.

  1. Reports > Production > Ingredient Usage Report.

  2. Select the filter options.

  • Menu Set - Select option.

  • Weeks - Select option.

  • Include - Select option. You can only select one.

    • All Ingredients - Includes all ingredients in recipes that are linked to menu items. When you include All Ingredients, in the Ingredient Usage report,  the report sorts first by category, then by ingredient name.

    • One Ingredient Category - Includes all ingredients from a category that are in recipes linked to menu items.

    • One Ingredient - Includes ingredient if in recipes linked to menu items.

  • Detail Ingredients by Day within a Menu Week - When selected, the report prints columns for days of the week and an X appears on day(s) where the ingredient is used.