Senior Living Communities

Managing Recipes

This screen contains settings for Recipe Builder for managing recipes. After a recipe is created, you can edit, print, delete, and duplicate.

  1. Production > Recipe Builder.

  2. Select specific recipe.

  • Recipe Name Edit link - Select option to modify Recipe information.

  • Direction Edit link - Select to edit the directions. 

  • Print button - Click Print to print a single yield recipe, with or without the photo, or resized recipes. Printing a resized recipe does not affect the main recipe. If you have a sub-recipe, it prints to the size of the main recipe.

  • Duplicate button - Allows you to duplicate the recipe. For example, you can duplicate Chocolate pudding pie and create Vanilla pudding pie. You just need to change a few items and do not have to create a completely new recipe. 

  • Delete Recipe button - Deletes the entire recipe. If a recipe is saved as a sub-recipe in other recipes, an alert appears. Menu items that are tied to the recipe are cleared.

  • When changing the original # of portions in a recipe, you can resize and adjust the recipe's ingredient quantities to reflect the new number of portions.