Skilled Nursing Facilities

Security for MDS Analytics

The following are security permissions related to MDS Analytics of the Clinical application. The Clinical User Role (system) is available, or you can create a custom role with the following permissions.

Security Permission

Access Level

Major Module = Clinical

Clinical tabs (parent)

Access to the Clinical tabs of the resident chart.


Y - MDS tab appears on the resident chart.

MDS 2.0 Sections (parent)

Y - Access to MDS 2.0 sections.


B - R

U, V

Determines access to each MDS section.

N - No access.

R - Access to view the section.

A - Same as above.

E - Access to edit the section.

D - Same as above.

MDS 2.0 Operations (parent)

Access to MDS Operations.

Third Party Verification

Y - Access to the Verify button in the MDS assessment.

MDS Locking

Y - Access to lock an MDS assessment.

MDS 2.0 Portal

Y - Access to the MDS 2.0 Portal.

Assessment Reports (parent)

Y - Access to Assessment Reports.

MDS Quality Indicators

Y - Access to QI Reports.

Assessment Scoring

Y - Access to Assessment Scoring Report.

Warnings Report

Y - Access to Assessment Warnings Report.