Skilled Nursing Facilities

Closing a CRM Lead

When a new lead is created, the status is open. The lead status is open until changed to won, lost, denied, duplicate, or invalid. A lead status can automatically close or be manually closed. 

After a lead is waitlisted and a Quick ADT is completed in Admin or Clinical, the CRM lead automatically closes with a status of won. In addition to completing a Quick ADT, if a census entry is completed in Admin, the CRM lead automatically closes with a status of won. If there is more than one possible placement, the other statuses are marked as lost.

You can manually close a lead and select the applicable status. When you close a lead by selecting lost or denied, you also select a status reason. Reasons to close a lead include lost to competitor, no vacancy or other options set up for use by your organization. If the lead is lost to a competitor, you can select the competitor and document for tracking purposes.

In addition to closing a lead as lost or denied, you can select duplicate or invalid. This helps to eliminate duplicate leads from cluttering the lead listing. Using duplicate or invalid when closing a lead does not affect reporting. 


If multiple open possible placements are listed, after the possible placement is selected, the status reason for the other facilities automatically changes to status of Lost to sister Facility.

    • Single facilityAdmin > CRM > Leads > Lead Details.

    • Multi-facility: Management Console > CRM > Leads > Lead Details. 

  1. Click Close Lead.

  2. Select Status.