Skilled Nursing Facilities

Payments Overview

You can enter and track all the payments made by the facility/building to a vendor, company or individual. For entering the payments, create a payment batch and select the invoices to be paid in the batch.

You can create two types of payment batches: a Creating a New System Payment Batch or a Creating New Manual Payment Batch. The difference between these batches is in the means by which they are populated with invoices and how checks are issued.

  • System batches prints checks or direct payment notices.

  • Manual batches record manual checks that are written or created outside the PointClickCare system, direct payments, or misc. payments.

Before creating payment batches and printing checks, confirm that the check layout is properly defined.

  1. Select the Batch Type ofPayments and the A/P Batch Window - Payments opens.

  1. From GL/AP Portal.

  2. Click Payment Batches under the A/P Summary section and the A/P Batch Window - Payments opens.