Skilled Nursing Facilities

Creating and Managing Formularies

This screen contains configuration settings for formularies. Formulary Management allows you to define pharmacy, payer, medical professional, or custom formularies and to notify the user, during order entry, whether a selected medication is part of a formulary. You can add, edit, delete, and retire formularies. When you access the Formulary library for the first time, it is empty so you can build it to fit your needs.

  1. Do one of the following: 

    • Single facility: Clinical > Setup > Formulary Management.

    • Multi-facility: Management Console > Standards > Care Management > Formulary Management.


After creating a formulary, you must click items to add medications and activate your formulary so the information shows in the Order Entry Window.

  • Formulary Type - Pharmacy is the most common type used and is based on the pharmacy listed for that resident during order entry. Payer only looks at the primary payer source for the resident. Facility Favorite can be used for items that are contained in the house stock. Medical Professional looks at the person named in the 'ordered By' field. You can add multiple pharmacies, payers, facilities, and Medical Professionals to one formulary. 


    After a formulary is active, the information entered cannot be removed or changed, even if that formulary is retired. Additional sources, such as pharmacies or payers, can be added to an active formulary.

  • items - Click this link is used to add, retire, or reactive medications to your formulary. Click one of the options below:

    • Add Entries - You can add medications that are already set up in different libraries. If the same medication is listed multiple times with different NDC/DIN, you only need to select one.

    • Import File - You can import files from your computer that contain the formulary information you want to add. 


      Files must be in TXT or CSV format to be imported into a formulary. If a file is received in XLS format, it needs to be saved as a csv or txt file before import. In csv files, NDC/DIN must be in first column, otherwise the import fails. If you receive an error message during import, correct the error and try the import again. 

      When you import a new file to an existing active formulary, after selecting a file and clicking Import, you can replace all items or only add new items. Replace All  overwrites all items, including items that were entered individually using Add Entries

    • Batch Update - You can retire and reactive multiple medications at one time. You can only delete medications from a formulary that is in draft status.

  • activate - Click this link to make your formulary active and information to appear in the Order Entry Window.


    After a formulary is made active it can no longer be deleted and the formulary type and selected pharmacies, medical professionals, payers, and facilities cannot be removed.

  • Delete - You can only delete a formulary that is in draft status.