Skilled Nursing Facilities

Managing MDS Look Backs

In MDS Care Plan Triggers you can associate tasks or interventions with an MDS question. This allows staff to view POC documentation when making coding decisions within the MDS assessment. The POC responses appear in the lookback for the MDS question (they do not autopopulate a response for the MDS question).

  1. Do one of the following:

    • Single facility: Clinical > Setup > MDS Triggers.

    • Multi-facility: Management Console > Standards > Care Management > MDS Care Plan Triggers.

  2. Select MDS section and question.

  3. Click lookback.


The task or intervention saves with a facility scope and a 7 day look back. You can amend one or both of these settings by clicking edit for the item.

  • The lookback link for an MDS question changes from blue to red after a task or intervention is added.