Skilled Nursing Facilities


Generate Statements Quick Reference Guide

This quick reference guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to complete the monthly statement in the Billing module. 




Generate Transactions

  • Admin> Billing > Billing Status

Click to Generate Transactions after corrections complete. 

Best practice is to Generate Transactions on a daily basis after the census is updated from the weekend/prior night. 

When you Generate Transactions this soft posts the resident's transactions to your reports. 


• Review Unbilled Transactions Report.

• Review Transaction History Report.

• Make any necessary corrections to census and rates. 

• Click to Generate Transactions again after corrections complete. 

The Transaction history report can be filtered for billed vs unbilled. The column called Billed  shows Y if already included on an invoice or N if not. 


Generate trial statements

  • Generate Bills > Generate

This Generate creates your Trials not your real invoices. 

Review Dates, Billing Date appears on Statement

Select Payers you want to include > click Search to refresh view. 

Click Generate in this window to produce Trial Statements


Trial Statements 

  • Print

  • Error

  • Recalc

  • Del 

Print Trial Statements for review

Review Error report & make necessary corrections

Recalc Trial Statements after errors corrected in resident chart. Use recalc after making corrections to resident census or rate. Make sure to Generate Transactions before using recalc to update resident statement.

Del any unwanted statements


Real Bill

Click Real Bill at the bottom of the Trial Statement window to produce the Real Statements and final bill (hard post the transactions). 

 These are the real invoices. 


Print Real Statements

Admin > Reports > Invoices