Skilled Nursing Facilities

New Tax Letter Templates

After your template is saved, you can edit and update any fields. After the template is used, you can edit and update any fields except for the file you uploaded to the template. If the file is incorrect and needs to be changed, delete the template and recreate selecting the correct file.

  1. Do one of the following: 

    • Navigate to EMC > Standards > Financial Management > Letters > Tax Letter Templates.

    • Single Facilities Navigate to Admin > Setup > Tax Letter Templates

  2. Select New Letter.

  3. Name your Letter Template.

  4. Select the Word document when you created the letter from your computer.

  5. Type the applicable Description for the Letter Template.

  6. Select Payer or Payer Type.

  7. Check the Payer(s) or Payer Type(s) to be associated to this Letter Template.

  8. Adjustments to Exclude: Search using the predictive search feature and select the adjustment codes to exclude from your tax letter calculations. You can select multiples. 

  9. Summarize Options: Select the appropriate summarize options for your Tax Letter template.

    • Summarize by charge code - summary of charges are organized by charge code.

    • Summarize by charge code category - summary of charges are organized by charge code category.

    • Summarize by all ancillary charges - summary of charges are organized by all ancillary charges.