Skilled Nursing Facilities

Renew Orders

You can renew individual or multiple orders that are discontinued.

  1. From the Orders tab of the resident's chart, click Batch Update.

  2. Select Renew.

  3. In the Renew Orders window, enter the Renew Order Date and Time.

  4. Enter Ordered By.

  5. Select Discontinued Orders to be Renewed.

  6. Click Renew Orders. The Order Entry screen appears. Verify the information is correct, and make any changes if necessary.

  7. Select Update Queue.

  8. Select Activate Queued Orders.

  • Renew Date, For, Communication Method, and Ordered By transmit to the pharmacy if you are integrated with your pharmacy.

  • Clicking Renew Orders pulls all orders (single order or multiple orders) into the Order Queue for review.