Skilled Nursing Facilities

Managing Invoice Batches

For all batch types, a batch list shows batches according to the batch status selected from the list.

From the A/P Batch Window - Invoice screen, to the left of the batch number are links for more actions for the batch. The links for a Batch Status: Open are:

  • edit - Opens the invoice list where you can make changes to invoices.

  • post - Opens the post batch screen where you can post the batch.

  • recurring - Opens the New Recurring Batch window where you can use the details of that batch to create a recurring batch. When created, that recurring batch is found in Batch Type: Recurring Invoices.

  • print - Prints the Invoice Batch List details

From the A/P Batch Window - Invoice, to the left of the batch number are links for more actions for the batch. The links for a batch status are:

  • print - Prints the Invoice Posting Journal and the report includes the G/L Account Summary details.

  • copy - Enables you to copy the batch. The copied batch is an open batch which you need to edit (i.e. update invoice number/date, and so on).

  • recurring - Opens the New Recurring Batch window where you can use the details of that batch to create a recurring batch. When created, that recurring batch is found in Batch Type: Recurring Invoices.

  • reverse - Enables you to reverse the batch. The Reverse AP Batch window pops open where you can enter reversal date details. When you submit the reversal a reversal batch is added to Batch Type: Reversals.

  • Deleted batches do not have any links.