Skilled Nursing Facilities

Inbound Pharmacy Orders - Residents to be Matched

When orders are imported from the integrated pharmacy at the time of integration go-live , the system identifies any residents whose demographics do not exactly match the demographic information within the pharmacy system. These two separate files must be matched so both systems share the same demographic information.

After matched, the pharmacy must be notified regarding what information was inconsistent so that both systems continue to recognize the resident information go forward. This is a one-time process that must be completed for any resident whose information was inconsistent.

  1. From the Pharmacy Orders tab of the Orders Portal, note the number of residents to be matched in the Order Supply Summary box.

  2. Select Inbound Pharmacy Orders - Resident Match tab.

  3. Select match to the left of the resident name.

  4. Review the resident information in the Inbound Patient Match field at the top of the page. This is the resident information found in the pharmacy system.

  5. Review the resident information in the Potential Matches list in the second pane of the page. This is the information found within the PointClickCare application for the resident.

  6. Select the resident name in the Potential Matches list.

  7. Select Same Patient at the bottom of the page.

  8. Notify the pharmacy of the information that did not match so they update their records.

  • If searching from a large list of residents, use the resident search field to enter a portion of the resident name then click Go to filter the list.

  • If the resident match is not found in the Potential Matches list, select All Residents from the gray bar to view all residents to find a potential match.

  • If no match is found, select No Match Found. This removes the patient name from the Inbound Pharmacy Orders Tab.

  • The system looks at Resident Name, Birthdate, Gender and Social Insurance Number (SIN) to identify residents between the two systems. If any of these items do not match, the resident needs to be manually matched using this process.