Skilled Nursing Facilities

Revenue Journal Report

The Revenue Journal report is a detailed listing of all revenue that you generated for the period. It is a detailed back up for the journal entries as well as the A/R reconciliation report. Use this report to compare to the census to make sure each client was charged the correct rate according to the census. If charges are incorrect, make the necessary changes and then generate transactions for these clients again. Run the Transactions Report for unbilled to make sure the correction was recorded.

This report can be lengthy and you may want to view the report on screen rather than printing a hard copy. The data is static in reports that show Current and Past Periods. You can run this report at any time to view the data as it existed at the time the period is closed and there is no requirement to print a hard copy of this report for historic reference.

  1. Admin > Reports > Revenue Journal.

  2. Select resident or leave blank to generate for all residents.

  3. Select Period.

  4. Select Payer or Payer Type.

  5. Select Exclude Outpatients, if applicable. 

  6. Combine Current Period and Past Periods.

  7. Include Account Summary.