Skilled Nursing Facilities

New Recurring Invoices

To create a recurring invoice batch, create a batch/template first. This batch/template contains the recurring invoices and can be used each time you want to create new invoice batch for those recurring invoices.

  1. Click the Batch Type link for Recurring Invoices. The A/P Batch Window - Recurring opens.

  2. Click New to create a new recurring batch.

  3. Type an appropriate description for the batch in the Batch Description field.

  4. Select the required frequency that the recurring invoices needs to be created from the Frequency list. 

  5. In the Start Date field, specify the date.

  • You can also convert an existing normal batch to a recurring invoice batch. In the A/P Batch Window - Invoice page, click the recurring link to the left of the desired batch. The New Recurring Batch pop-up appears.