Skilled Nursing Facilities


Census and Rates Options

Census and Rates can be viewed in 1 of 2 modes, separate or combined. If your view is separate, you see two sections. The sections are census and rate history. When the census and rates are combined, you see one section that includes both census and rates. You can perform the same actions from either view, however labels change slightly based on the view. 

After census and rates entries are complete, you can hover over the line for detail. The detail identifies the person who created or revised the entry along with the date and time.

You can generate transactions from census and rates. After you create a new entry or update an existing entry in census and rates, you need to generate transactions. This saves you time because you can generate transaction while you are in the resident chart. Generating transaction from the resident chart updates transactions only for that resident. 

  1. Admin > Resident Chart > Census/Rates. 

  2. Do one of the following:

    • Click Separate or Combine Census & Rates.

    • Hover.

    • Click Generate Transactions.