Skilled Nursing Facilities

Deleting Accepted Assessments

You can delete an MDS assessment to address the flagged records noted in Submission Reports from CIHI, or if there is incorrect information in the MDS that cannot be corrected with a Significant Correction. For example, if an error was made involving one of these data elements and the MDS was accepted, it must be deleted from CIHI/CCRS and a new MDS submitted:

  • Health Record Number (A6a).

  • Unique Registration Identifier (AA1).

  • Admission/Re-entry Date (AB1).

  • Admission Type (AA7) – on Admission/Re-entry record.

  • Assessment Reference Date (A3).


If an assessment was rejected with errors from CIHI during initial submission, this means the assessment does not exist in CCRS. You cannot request a Deletion (or Correction) of that record. You must mark a rejected assessment as Rejected in the batch, then unlock the assessment, make the required changes, lock, batch, and submit to CIHI.

  1. From the MDS assessment list, click correct for the assessment.

  2. Click Create Inactivation Request.

    This creates a Deletion assessment. The status of the original assessment is updated from Accepted to Inactivated, and the newly created Deletion assessment appears above the inactivated assessment with a status of Export Ready. You cannot edit a deleted assessment.

  3. Add the Deletion assessment to a batch.

  4. Export batch and submit to CIHI.

  5. After the Detailed Submission Report is available from CIHI, review and mark the MDS as Accepted or Rejected in PointClickCare, based on that report. An accepted assessment means CIHI successfully deleted the assessment from their CCRS system.

  6. You must resubmit the assessment that was deleted. You can copy the original, inactivated assessment to create a new assessment. Make the changes as required, sign, lock, batch, and submit to CIHI.

  • Deletion assessments for Annual, Significant Change, and Quarterly assessments can be created and submitted to CIHI at any time. However, for all other assessment types (Face Sheet, Admission Full Assessment, Re-Entry, Discharge), Deletion assessments must be created and submitted in reverse chronological order. For example, if you have a Re-Entry that needs to be deleted, you must start from the most recent accepted MDS, and work your way down to the Re-Entry. Batch the Deletion assessments and submit them to CIHI in reverse chronological order, ensuring that the most recent Deletion is accepted prior to submitting the next one. After the Deletion assessments are accepted, they are removed from CIHI's records (CCRS). You must resubmit all of the assessments that were deleted. You can copy the original, inactivated assessment to create a new assessment. Make the changes as required, sign, lock, batch, and submit to CIHI.

  • There are two data elements used to identify the specific assessment that requires a deletion. These are Unique Record ID (Y1) and Record Type (Y2). For a Deletion to be processed, these two data elements must match an existing record in CCRS. You can see this information by running a Verification Audit Report (VAR) from CIHI.

  • The Detailed Submission Report is a CIHI report and if you have a question/concern about that report, contact CIHI.

  • You must have appropriate security permissions to create Deletion assessments and copy assessments.