Skilled Nursing Facilities


Managing the UDA Portal - Scheduled

The Scheduled view of the UDA portal provides a list of scheduled assessments that are due today, due in the future, and past due. Current assessments appear in black, due in the future appear in grey, and past due appear in red. You can use the UDA portal as an audit tool to verify scheduled assessments are started in a timely manner. 


You can clear a scheduled assessment in the UDA portal for a resident by clicking clear next to the assessment. This also clears the assessment from the Next Assessment Due list in the resident's chart. For example, you completed an assessment and did not clear the schedule when you created it. You can click clear to remove the assessment. This only clears the one assessment and does not affect the schedule for future assessments. If the assessment is to trigger weekly, the next weekly assessment still triggers.

  1. ClinicalUDA > Scheduled.

  • Sort By - Select option.

  • Show Assessments due in the next 7 day(s) - Type information. You can change the number of days to modify the list.

  • Report Icon - Generates the UDA Scheduling Report based on filters selected in the portal. 

  • clear - Select option. Removes the scheduled assessment from the UDA portal and the resident's chart.

  • Due Date - Click to open and complete the scheduled assessment.