Skilled Nursing Facilities

Printing Generated Tax Letters
  1. Select the action icon next to the Generation run you want to download.

  2. Select download. There may be multiple download links when more than 100 letters are generated. Letters are downloaded in a single PDF for you to open and review.

  3. Select the Printer Icon or right-click and click Print.

  • You can generate a Tax letter as often as you want for whichever Tax letter template you want. So if you notice any errors you can correct the issue and then regenerate the letter.

  • When a single resident or single contact letter is generated, the letter produced to screen to be printed and is not retained in the Generate Tax Letter listing to be downloaded.

  • Tax letter download capability is 100 letters in one download file. Therefore you may see multiple download links that can go from letters 1- 100, 101-200, and so on. Each needs to be downloaded to be reviewed and printed.

  • When a Tax letter generation is performed at the EMC level, all facilities with generated letters appear at the facility level Generate Tax Letters Listing found in reports, and the Tax letters can be printed from here as well as EMC.