Skilled Nursing Facilities


MDS 2.0 - Review of Sections - Section I - Medical Diagnosis Wizard

All auto-populated responses must be verified as accurate at the time of completion because you are signing for, and attesting to, the accuracy of the data within the MDS.

Depending on your facility's configuration settings, you may see a window appear when you sign section I of the MDS assessment. This Medical Diagnosis Wizard window appears if there are diagnoses entered in Section one of the MDS, that are not entered in the Medical Diagnosis module of the resident's chart.

  1. When signing section one of the MDS assessment, the system does a check against the Med Diag tab of the resident chart. If there are diagnoses selected in section I that are not part of the Med Diag tab for that resident, the Medical Diagnosis Wizard window appears.

  2. 3 options appear:

    1. Option 1: You can use select an ICD code for each diagnosis to add to the Med Diag tab of the resident's chart. Add any other additional information. The Code, Description, and Date are required fields. Click Add Diagnoses to add them to the Med Diag tab of the chart. Another window appears, and gives you the option to update the ranks and classifications of all of the resident's diagnoses. Make changes, and Save & Close. Or Save & Close if you do not need to make changes.

    2. Option 2: Click Create Notification, so that the Medical Diagnosis Wizard can be updated at a later time. The notification is pushed to the Diagnosis Notification section of the Clinical Dashboard and to the Med Diag tab of the resident's chart.

    3. Option 3: Click Reopen & Correct MDS to delete signatures, and reopen section one to remove diagnoses selected in error.

  • When completing the Medical Diagnosis Wizard, when signing section one of the MDS, those diagnoses are added to the Med Diag tab of the resident's chart. Also, a notification appears on the Clinical Dashboard, and in the resident's Med Diag tab. Clear the notification from either area to keep the Med Diag tab updated, and current.

  • When selecting Create Notification to complete the Medical Diagnosis Wizard at a later time, you see a review link in the Med Diag tab of the resident chart and on the Clinical Dashboard. Click this link to complete the Wizard. After completed, the notification still needs to be cleared.

  • You must have security permissions to the Medical Diagnosis tab, Diagnosis Notifications for the Clinical Dashboard and Diagnosis Notifications (to review and clear)

  • If you are using Dashboard Layouts, you need to edit them for the positions that need to see the diagnosis notifications and enforce the layout once you save your changes

  • Clicking the clear link clears the Notification from the Clinical Dashboard and from the Med Diag tab of the resident chart. From the Med Diag tab of the resident chart, you can select a box to see any cleared notifications.