Skilled Nursing Facilities

Admission Record Report

An Admission Record, or face sheet, is the document created when a resident is first admitted into a facility. The document contains the resident's demographic and location/room assignment. It is available in PDF format.


  1. Admin or Clinical > Reports > Admission Record.

  2. In the Admission Record Report Setup page, enter the Details about how you you want to filter, sort and show the records.

  3. In the unit list, select the Unit that you want to generate the report with.

  4. In the floor list, select the Floor of the facility whose residents you want to generate the report for.

  5. To generate admission records of all residents admitted into the facility after a particular date, select Print All Residents Admitted Since, and type or select a date.

  6. To include weights and vitals information in the admission report, if the date matches the admission date, select Only Include Weights/Vitals. If the dates match admission date, check box.

  7. Select Include Resident Photo to include the photo of the resident in the admission record.

  8. In the Status list, select Current or Discharged to generate admission reports only for residents with that status. To include both current and discharged residents, select Both.

  9. Select Include Outpatients to include outpatients in the report.

  • You can generate an admission report for a single resident by specifying a Resident Number in the top section of the page. You can enter a resident name, or search for a specific resident by clicking the lookup.gif icon next to the Resident Number and Resident fields. If the field is left blank, the report is generated for all residents.

  • You can access and print a specific resident's admission record from within their Financial or Medical chart from the Resident Profile or Profile tab by selecting the Admission Record icon.

  • The photograph only appears if a profile photograph was uploaded when entering the resident demographic information when setting up the resident profile.