Skilled Nursing Facilities

Pick Lists

Numerous lists are available within the application. In this area, many of the "Pick List" selections used for demographics during Admission, are found. Although the lists are good, they may not represent every value you require in your facility. Values can be added or descriptions changed, depending on your needs. There is no "cut off" point to prevent further editing or additions to these lists.

  1. While in the ADMIN module, depending on depending on your Security access, you may or may not see & select SETUP from the menu items. If you do not see it listed as an option, you do not have Security access to perform Set Up functions. See your Security Administrator.

  2. When you select SETUP are taken to the set up options of the ADMIN module. The first section is ORGANIZATION SETUP. This contains numerous areas which need to be addressed whether or not you are a Financial or Clinical facility. For example, Several of the selections are part of the initial creation of your beds and rooms, which must be present before residents can be admitted.

  3. Select PICK LISTS to review the various lists supplied.

    • The top ADT/Profile section contains lists generally used for demographic information.

    • The Units/Floors/Rooms contains the building block (physical) descriptions that will be used when defining the actual Rooms & Beds in your facility. (Note: UNITS refer to groupings of rooms, often for shift responsibilities. They could be referred to by "Wings" or "Halls" or neighbourhoods with names).

    • The Census Codes section contains pre-delivered, standard values which are not likely to be changed.

  4. For any of the lists, selecting the active link name to the left opens the list in a format in which you can Add, Edit or Delete contents of that list.


The Units/Floors/Rooms information MUST BE COMPLETED BEFORE your Rooms Listing can be created.

  • Changes/additions can be made at any time, but be cautious if considering deletions.

  • References to Room Types is physical - i.e. as per the floor plan layout - it is NOT rate related.

  • You must have a security role with appropriate rights to see "Set Up" on the menu. If you don't see "Set Up" you don't have access to it. See your local Security Administrator. The delivered "Admin Setup" role provides this access.