Skilled Nursing Facilities


Creating Standard Documentation Frequencies

Different types of frequencies (schedules) can be assigned to a task or intervention for documentation.

  1. Do one of the following: 

    • Single Facility: Clinical > Setup > Standard Documentation Frequencies.

    • Multi-facility: Management Console > Standards > Care Management > Standard Documentation Frequencies.

  2. Select Yes for Show Simplified (POC) Standard Frequencies.

  3. Click Save & Create Schedules.

(If POC is enabled)
  • Everyday - Create a schedule that shows tasks every day and documentation is required at a specific time or on a specific shift(s).

  • Every X Day(s) - Create a schedule that shows tasks on alternate days (for example: every other day or every 3 days), and documentation is required at a specific time or on a specific shift(s).

  • Specific days of the week - Create a schedule that shows tasks on a specific day(s) of the week (but not every day), every 1-4 weeks, and documentation is required at a specific time or on a specific shift(s). 


    It is not necessary to create more than one of these frequencies, as the specific days and shifts can be edited at the resident level. For example, create a ‘Default’ frequency and select Monday and Day shift. When assigned to a task/intervention, the frequency can be edited at the resident level. For example, bathing schedules.

  • Every X month - Create a schedule that shows tasks on a monthly/every X months schedule, on a specific day of the month, and documentation is required at a specific time or on a specific shift(s).

  • Time Range - Create a schedule that shows tasks multiple times throughout the day (for example: every 15 minutes or every 2 hours). 


    Time is the default time for the start of the frequency. It is recommended to leave it set at midnight, then change the start time at the resident level. It is not advisable to create multiple Every 2 hour frequencies with different start times. This is NOT actually a Time Range as the name suggests. There is no way to set up a time range within POC other than by shift.

  • PRN - Create a schedule that shows tasks on a certain shift(s) every day, that can be documented on one or more times or not at all. This type is usually applied to tasks that are documented as the event occurs.

  • Monthly Duration - Create a schedule that shows tasks on a monthly schedule, beginning on a specific day of the month, on every shift for a certain duration of days. For example, monthly weights – all residents are weighed on the first 5 days of the month.


    It is important to understand that this frequency functions differently than any other frequency type. When a task, such as Monthly Weight is assigned this frequency, the task appears for the duration of days on each shift. Staff should only document on the task when they are answering the follow up question (in this example, the weight); they SHOULD NOT document ‘Not Applicable’, ‘Resident Unavailable’ or ‘Resident Refused’ (unless that is truly the case on the last day of the duration). If they do so, the task is considered completed and the task turns green (documented) for every shift for the duration of days. Hence, staff are not prompted to complete the task. If the task is not documented at all, it is not considered missed documentation until after the last day of the duration.

  • The New button for creating a Standard Frequency Schedule is controlled by the security item of Care Plan (parent) – Edit Intervention (child).