Skilled Nursing Facilities

Delete a Medication Supply

When you have orders that have medication supplies from multiple sources (i.e. Family supplied and Pharmacy), a delete link appears where the reorder link usually appears. You can fix this, so then the new source supply appears in eMAR. This process is done so that the eMAR can show the proper medication source that the clinician administers.

  • Delete only appears if you have correct security access under either Clinical module or EMAR module: Enhanced Orders Management > Delete Order Supplies = Y.

  • You see the Delete link if the original order is in a 'To Be Ordered' or 'On Order' status when it is updated to change the source of the medication. For example, if a resident has orders that are supplied by their pharmacy, their original order source is Pharmacy Supplied. For example, the family decides they are going to supply it. So you update the order to 'Supplied by Family'. Updating the source the order that is in the status of 'To Be Ordered' or 'On Order', creates a second Ordered supply record. Now the order has multiple active order supply records. The original shows the Delete link for the clinician to click. This then shows the correct supply in eMAR so the next nurse knows to look for the family supply to administer.

  1. From the Supply section of the order, click the Delete link to the left of the supply.

  2. In the window that appears, confirm your action.