Skilled Nursing Facilities


Printing Document Manager Documents from the Clinical Chart

You can print Document Manager documents from a resident's clinical chart. A document(s) in completed status and assigned to the clinical category can be generated. This helps you to consolidate documents specific to clinical.


You must create a Clinical Chart from Clinical Chart Configuration before you can print the documents from the resident chart. 

Create a Clinical Chart Listing 

  1.  Clinical > Setup > Clinical Chart Configuration 

  2. Enter Clinical Chart Name.

  3. Select Documents.

  4. Select Document Manager Report.

  5. Select Category or All.

Print Report 

  1. Clinical > Resident Chart > Print > Generate/View Clinical Chart

  2. Select Clinical Chart.

  3. Click Generate Clinical Chart.

  • The document(s) appear in a PDF file.

  • The electronic signature is invalid for a document(s) that contains an e-signature type.