Skilled Nursing Facilities


Reviewing the Enhanced Billing Transition (EBT) Census Entry

After transitioning to Enhanced Billing, an overnight script is applied to the database. The EBT Census entry is auto created in the Resident Census/Rates and this setting is applied to all active Residents in your facility. You need to review the EBT census entry to validate the room rate applied for all current residents. 

This is a one time census entry required to start the Residents on enhanced rates.


If you haven't already, you need to Apply rates in the Payer Rules and Rate schedule. This updates all the Resident Rates based on the new EBT census entry. 

Run the Resident Rates Report Post Enhanced Billing to review all resident rates and make any necessary corrections. 


Do not change the Action from EBT on this census entry and do not use EBT as an action on any future census entries. 

  1. Admin > Resident > Census/Rates > Previous/Current Census/Rates (when you are not past the EBT date).

  2. To review the census entries, click edit census

  3. Confirm Room Rate is correct. Make changes if necessary.

  4. Click Save if changes made or Cancel.