Skilled Nursing Facilities

Leads by Sales Cycle (System) Dashboard

The Leads by Sales Cycle Dashboard provides you the lead's sales cycle status. This helps you to determine the number of leads in each stage of the sales cycle. 

The graph shows open and closed leads with sales cycle stage.  Sales Cycle appears along the bottom and the Number of Leads appear on the left side.

  1. Do one of the following: 

    • Single facilityAdmin > CRM > Dashboard 

    • Mulit-facility: Management Console > CRM > Dashboard  

  2. Leads by Sales Cycle (system) Graph.

  • You can analyze leads by sales cycle for all stages or focus on one by hovering over one stage at a time. Hovering highlights the bar for that stage.

  • To view display filters, use the filter view in the upper right corner of the graph.