Skilled Nursing Facilities

Check Register Report

The Check Register report shows you all the checks issued during a given period. You can generate a detailed or summarized Check Register report and sort it by check number or vendor name/address.

  1. GL/AP - Reports or EMC - Reporting - GL/AP section.

  2. In the A/P Reports section, click Check Register.

  3. In the Check Register Setup page, select Date Range, and enter the required date range.

  4. Select the appropriate bank from the Bank list.

  5. Select Number and enter the required check number.

    • You can also select Search Vendor Only to include only the vendor's check details in the report.

  6. Select an option from the Sort By list to sort the report based on check number or vendor name/address.

  7. Select Detail or Summary.

    • After you click Run Report, the report appears in HTML format. Use the Print option in your browser to print the report.