Skilled Nursing Facilities

Adding User Defined Fields

You can include user defined fields in the resident record. User defined fields document information specific to the resident that is not captured anywhere else. A few examples of user defined fields are: glasses, walkers, wheelchairs, and so on. You can run the Resident List *New* Report to view a list of resident's user defined fields. For example, if you need to see a list of all the residents with walkers because you found an abandoned one in the common area. 

Your organization can use user defined fields to track gender identity and resident pronoun, such as he/him, she/her and they.

 User defined fields are determined by the organization, based on specific needs, and are set up for each facility


New User Defined fields are defined under setup. They can be set to appear on the resident entry form and admission record as a required field. If you need to edit or add a new User Defined field set up, contact your configuration specialist.

  1.  Admin > Resident > Resident Profile > User Defined Fields.

  2. Click New or Edit All.