Skilled Nursing Facilities

On Order (ELECTRONIC) Overview

Orders that are communicated electronically to the integrated pharmacy appear in the On Order (Electronic) tab within the Pharmacy Orders tab in the Orders Portal or the Orders Portal tab of eMAR. These orders are waiting to be acknowledged/ dispensed by the integrated pharmacy.

After they are dispensed, the integrated pharmacy sends a message to PointClickCare and gives them to the driver for delivery. The message is called an order supply record and appears in the Waiting to Be Received tab. The supply records in this tab can be linked to the orders in a specific resident's chart electronically by scanning the pharmacy label after delivered (See Electronically Receiving Orders)

  • Order Date in On Order (Electronic) listing refers to the original order date. I.e. the date the order was entered into PointClickCare. This is not the date the medication was ordered from pharmacy.

  • If you have to reorder a medication, the reorder date appears in the reorder column.

  • If no order supply record is sent to link to the order listed in this tab (often due to the timing of enabling pharmacy integration), users with a specific security permission can manually move them to an On Hand status using the mrcv link or Manually Receive.