Skilled Nursing Facilities

Payer Billing Log Report

After generating the real billing log, you can print the final billing log for payers who are not billed on statements. 

  1. Admin > Reports > Payer Billing Log.

  2. To view the billing log for all residents, or enter an individual resident number or name in the respective fields, leave the Resident Name and Resident Number fields blank.

  3. In the Date Range field, specify the required dates.

  4. Select Print Last Statement to view the last real Billing Log generated.

  5. Use the By field to select the option to generate the report by payer or payer type, and select the option for Specific Payers, or Payers Types

  6. Select the option for Show Additional Census Information if you want admission type, source, and patient status/discharge status to be included in the report.

  7. Select the option for Show Diagnosis (principal and admitting) if you want to include diagnosis in the report.

  • All batches entered and posted in the current month are reflected on the month end reports, even if no billing is done. If you generated transactions, everything that was entered in census and payer setup is reflected on the month end reports as well, even if they are not yet billed.