Skilled Nursing Facilities


Automatic Resident Numbering Configuration

Every resident in your facility MUST have a number associated with them. Generally this Resident Number can be considered a meaningless number. You decide whether this number is assigned automatically during the Admission process or if you want to control and assign it manually. If you absolutely must have a number which relays some "meaning" to you, the automatic creation of the Resident Number field can contain prefix or suffix information - if you desire. Alternatively, it can simply be set to be a sequentially assigned number (which is the norm). If you do not want to have the system assign these numbers automatically, leave the option cleared.

  1. While in the ADMIN module, depending on the Security access you have you may (or may not) be able to see & select SETUP from the menu items. If you do not see it listed as an option, you do not have Security access to perform Set Up functions. See your Security Administrator.

  2. When you select SETUP are taken to the set up options of the ADMIN module. The first section is ORGANIZATION SETUP. This contains numerous areas which need to be addressed whether or not you are a Financial or Clinical facility.


  4. If you want to have a number assigned automatically, select the Use Auto Numbering field, and indicate where you want the numbering to begin in the Next Resident Id Number e.g. start at "1" or "100' or "1000" and so on.

  • When you start the admission process, the Resident Number field is completed for you if you have indicated Use AUTO Numbering.

  • If you left the Use Auto Numbering blank (no check mark), the Resident Number field requires manual completion during Admission.

  • There is no pressing need to create a complex Resident Number - the normal sequential assignment is fine. Any other decision often sets you up for annual maintenance of this area (e.g. if "admission year" is included in the suffix, for example).

  • You must have a security role with appropriate rights to see Set Up on the menu. If you don't see Set Up you don't have access to it. See your local Security Administrator. The delivered Admin Setup role provides this access.