Skilled Nursing Facilities

Managing Assessment Schedules

You can set up assessment schedules in configuration to activate based on a census event such as an admissionAssessments can also be set up so you can manually activate the assessment at the resident level for unscheduled events. For example, fall or wound assessments. You can also edit schedules in the resident chart to activate and de-activate assessment schedules, as needed. 

In the Next Assessment Due list, assessments due today and in the future appear in black. Past due assessments appear in red. Assessments linked to a dependency rule appear in grey.


You can only activate an assessment that has a Manual Activation schedule.


De-activating a schedule also de-activates dependent Schedule Completion schedules. For example, when you de-activate a wound assessment that is scheduled to trigger weekly, the weekly assessments are also de-activated.

  1. Clinical or Admin > Resident > Assmnts.

  2. Click Edit Schedules.

  3. Select assessment.

  4. Select an option.

  • Edit Schedules - Select option. 

    • Assessment - Select assessment.

    • Activate - Select option. Activates assessment schedule. Adds triggered assessment to Next Assessment Due list. For example, activate the Weekly Wound assessment schedule when a skin issue is detected.

      • Schedule Date & Time Chooser - Enter date and time stamp for selected assessment.

    • De-activate - Select option. De-activates assessment schedule and dependent Schedule Completion schedules. Removes triggered assessment from Next Assessment Due list. For example, de-activate the Weekly Wound assessment schedule after wound is healed. 

      • Reasons for Assessment - Type information. For example, Wound is healed, resident discharged, and so on.

    • Clear All - Select option. You can select specific or all assessments to clear the schedule and remove from Next Assessment Due list. 

      • Reason for Clearing - Type information. For example, discharge or assessment unnecessary. 

      • As of Date - Type information. Enter in a date to list assessments due before that date. For example, enter a date of 10/21/2017 to list all assessments due 10/20/2017 and previous.

      • Refresh List - Select option. You must select refresh list each time you change the As of Date to update the list. 
