Skilled Nursing Facilities


Med Passes in the Last 24 hours Dashboard Pane

The information on the Med Passes in the Last 24 hours for assignment dashboard view provides staff or nurse managers a quick view of the current status of eMAR medication passes for residents within a specific assignment over a period of 24 hours.

Based on the option that you select, the assignment group information appears for the selected assignment. The view includes a row for every combination of Record, Shift, and Assignment for which medication passes were scheduled within the past 24 hours.

The Status and Tasks columns provide an overview of the Med passes in the last 24 hours. The Tasks column shows the number of tasks, which are the orders that require documentation to be completed for the shift and assignment within the row. The information in the Status column is color coded to match the eMAR listing and to indicate the status of completion.

  1. Select from the list View Med Passes within a selected assignment or for all assignments.

  2. Click any link in the Tasks column to view the details, along with the list of residents and the task or order that requires documentation.

  3. In the Assignment Details for last 24 hours window that appears, click the + symbol to expand the details of the resident's Med passes in the selected shift.

  4. Click the linked Resident Name to open the resident's Profile module.

  • Generate the Med Admin Audit Report from this dashboard view by clicking the page icon that appears to the right of the assignment list.