Skilled Nursing Facilities

Adding Resident Identifiers

You can create resident identifiers to record identification numbers such as Social Insurance Number (SIN), Health card and Insurance IDs. Resident identifiers populate various Admin and Clinical features such as admission records, MDS records and insurance claims. Each identifier is formatted in setup based on the number and type of characters on the card. Resident identifiers must be entered in the resident record using the format mask characters configured in setup.

A legend for the format mask characters appears at the bottom of the window.  


Some resident identifiers may be required fields. In setup your configuration specialist can define resident identifiers as required.  

  1.  Admin > Residents > Select a resident  > Resident Identifiers. 

  2. Click Edit All.

  3. If you need to change the characters previously entered on a resident identifier, select edit to update. 

  • Additional resident identifiers can be configured by accessing Admin > Setup > Resident Identidiers. Contact your security administrator if you do not have the proper security role to access.