Skilled Nursing Facilities

Length of Stay Report

This Length of Stay Report identifies the number of days the resident was in the facility between admission and discharge.

  1. Admin > Reports.

  2. Admitted between - Click the Calendar icon.

  3. And/Or - Click to select And or the option Or.

    • And searches for residents who were admitted within the from and to dates selected, and were discharged within the from and to dates selected.

    • Or searches for residents who were admitted within the from and to dates selected, or were discharged within the from and to dates selected.

  4. Discharged between - Click the Calendar icon.

  5. Include Outpatients - Select the list for options of Yes, No, and Only.

  6. By - Click the option for Payer or Payer Type. Then select the Payer or Payer Options that appear in the box.