Skilled Nursing Facilities

MDS 2.0 - Section V - CAPs Overview

Clinical Assessment Protocols (CAPs) are used in some provinces to inform, and guide comprehensive care and service planning. CAPs also identify residents at risk for decline/residents who have the potential to improve. There are 19 CAPs that can potentially be triggered from the RAI-MDS 2.0 assessment. CAPs are located in section 5 of the MDS assessment.

MDS assessment Types that contain CAPs: 01. Admission Full Assessment, 02. Annual Assessment, 03. Significant Change in Status Assessment. Depending on your province, you may also see CAPS in Quarterly assessments.

  • A CAP shown in green indicates that it is triggered,

  • A CAP showing the equal (=) symbol indicates that the CAP is triggered in the previous MDS by the same response(s),

  • A CAP showing the delta (Δ) symbol indicates that the CAP is triggered in the previous MDS by a different response(s),

  • A CAP showing the plus (+) symbol indicates that the CAP is newly triggered, and was not triggered in the previous MDS,

  • Click the H (History) link next to a CAP to see the history of the CAP in the current and past assessments.