Skilled Nursing Facilities

Creating Narrative Responses

After questions are added to an assessment, you can add narratives for certain question types. Narratives are used in a Structured Progress Note (SPN), and they are optional. When creating a SPN, you can select the narrative response as opposed to the regular response.

If you are using narratives, they must be added while the assessment is in the Under Construction section. They cannot be added after the assessment is moved to Ready for Scoring/SPN Setup and the SPN is created.

  1. Click edit for the assessment.

    • If in a multi-section assessment, click edit for the section you want to add a narrative response to.

  2. Click narrative for the question.

  3. Enter narrative text for each question response. This text can be inserted into an SPN and appears exactly as typed (including punctuation) in place of the regular response(s).