Skilled Nursing Facilities

Correcting an Entry Type Correction: Invoice vs. Credit Memo

It is possible that you entered an invoice as a credit memo or vice-a-versa and now need to correct it. You can re-enter it.

  1. Accounts Payable - A/P Batch window.

  2. Select the edit link next to the invoice batch that you need to correct the entry type.

  3. Select the edit link next to the invoice or credit memo that needs to be corrected.

  4. In the invoice Entry screen, select the Entry Type

  5. Click Close to review the changes in the Invoice batch screen.

Alternately use the invoice filter to locate the entry that needs to be corrected.

  1. Select the edit link next to the invoice batch that you need to correct the entry type.

  2. Click Filter to open the Invoice Filter window.

  3. Use the filter options to locate and select the invoice or credit memo that you need to correct. 

  4. In the invoice Entry screen, select the correct Entry Type

  5. Click Close to review the changes in the Invoice batch screen.