Skilled Nursing Facilities

Viewing Electronic Signature Configuration 

Electronic Signature Configuration in Clinical Setup allows you to view your facility settings for capturing electronic signatures for multiple areas of PointClickCare in one place.


Electronic Signature Configuration is view only. The settings for Progress Notes, Assessments and MDS can be amended in their respective configuration in Clinical Setup.


If changes are required to Orders and Order Administration (eMAR), a PointClickCare representative must complete the change. A PointClickCare representative is required to change to avoid non-compliance with Province requirements. You must ensure you verify compliance with province specific regulations and requirements.

  • Clinical > Setup > Electronic Signature Configuration.

  • Electronic Signature Disabled - When selected, does not require users to electronically sign for items. Users do not sign for each entry or action.

  • Electronic Signature Enabled - When either option is selected users are required to electronically sign for items. Users sign for each entry or action.


    It is recommended that facilities select electronic signatures enabled when documenting in order to verify users and avoid accidentally entering information under another login. 

    • Prompt for Password only - Users are prompted to type password information.

    • Prompt for 2nd-factor Authentication only - Users are prompted for a second piece of identification (and sometimes additionally their password). Acceptable second pieces of identification include: swipe cards, device tokens. All users making entries in the applicable module require the second piece of identification.