Skilled Nursing Facilities


Re-downloading a New Field Listing for Document Manager 

To increase the detail you can pull to your documents and forms, field listings are sometimes updated. When you are notified by PointClickCare of an update to the XDocReport fields for Document Manager, you need to delete the current DocTemplateFields file before you download the updated Field Listing.

  1. Click Start Menu.

  2. Select Computer.

  3. Select C: Drive.

  4. Paste C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Word\STARTUP in the address bar.

  5. Replace USERNAME with your computer user name (the name you use to sign into the computer).

  6. Press Enter. You have found your STARTUP Folder.

  7. Find docmanager.fields, right-click, and delete.

  8. Use Downloading Macro and the Field Listing in Microsoft Word for steps on downloading the new field listing.