Skilled Nursing Facilities

Managing Draft Progress Notes

You can create draft progress notes but the draft progress note is an incomplete progress note. If draft progress notes are not signed, they remain in the resident chart indefinitely as an incomplete note.

In your facility, you can run the progress note report daily to identify draft progress notes. After the incomplete notes are identified, you can follow up with staff to either sign or strike out the draft notes.


Creating draft progress notes is not recommended. However, if you use draft progress notes, you should have procedures in place to check for draft progress notes daily. Draft progress notes can only be signed or struck out by the author of the note.

  1. Clinical > Reports > Progress Notes New.

  2. Select from the filter options. Complete the following: 

    1. Effective Date Range - Select dates.

    2. Select - Progress Note Drafts Only.

    3. Click Run Report.

  3. Follow up with staff to either sign or strike out the draft progress notes.

  • Progress notes cannot be edited after the are save or signed.

  • Each resident is listed on a separate page.

  • Draft progress notes older than 24 hours appear on the Clinical High Priority Progress Notes dashboard, regardless of applied filters.