Skilled Nursing Facilities

Holding Orders

Active orders can be placed on hold either one at a time, or multiple at a time when clinically indicated. Placing orders On Hold appears in eMAR for the order if applicable.

Putting an individual order On Hold

  1. From the Orders tab of the resident's clinical chart, click Actions  then click Hold next to the order.

  2. In the Hold Order window that appears, type the Hold Date and Time.

  3. Enter the number of Days, Weeks or Months the order is placed on hold. The date and time the order is held until appears.

  4. Enter the Ordered By.

  5. Enter the Reason for Hold.

  6. Click Hold Order.

Putting multiple orders On Hold

  1. From the Orders tab of the resident's clinical chart, click Batch Update.

  2. Select Put On Hold.

  3. Follow steps 2-7 above.

  4. Select Active Orders to be placed On Hold.

  5. Click Hold Order.

  • Hold Date, Communication Method and Ordered by fields are required.

  • Hold Date, For, Communication Method, Ordered By and Reason for Hold transmit to the Pharmacy if you are integrated with your pharmacy.

  • You must have appropriate security permissions to put orders on hold.